Account-Based Marketing

Unlock account growth with a strategic Account-Based Marketing approach.

Drive sustainable value from strategic accounts

Gilroy work with clients to tailor an account-based everything approach, supporting account selection and insight, right through to messaging, content creation, multi-channel execution and measurement.

Account-Based Marketing enables a strategic approach for targeting key customers and net new prospects, understanding their needs, and creating personalised campaigns that are designed to appeal to their challenges, aligning them to your solutions.

bridge across a body of water

Key benefits of running ABM

Increased ROI
ABM can achieve a higher return on investment than traditional B2B marketing approaches and sales capabilities by targeting campaigns more effectively to audiences that matter.

Improved customer relationships
ABM ensures that the enterprise builds stronger relationships with the most important people in your target accounts by understanding their needs and providing them with the information and support that helps them overcome their biggest challenges.

Increased sales
ABM can increase sales by targeting campaigns to accounts that are more likely to buy, driving loyalty and preference when prospects are in market, looking for your brand, right now.

ABM supports sales and marketing strategic objectives

Target account selection: understand the accounts in market, and the key buying groups within an organisation. This is the primary aim of an ABM program and prioritising the target accounts that you want to focus on. These accounts need to be high-value, high-potential, and a business outcome orientated. A data-led approach ensures that account selection is run effectively to ensure that each opportunity works as a good fit for your organisation.

Personalised marketing campaigns: ABM campaigns should be personalised to the specific needs and interests of each target account. This means using different channels, messages, and content to target named individuals and key buying groups within the organisation – ensuring a greater chance of success for deal-based and pursuit-based programs.

Account profiling: once you have identified your target accounts, you need to gather as much information about them as possible. This information should include their size, industry, challenges, and decision-makers. Accounts can be researched in depth, to understand their strategic objectives and the opportunity that is present within the organisation.

Measurement and analysis: account measurement and analysis of the results of your in-market campaigns against objectives, to ensure this aligns with business goals and commercial targets. ABM allows sales and marketing to align to the same objectives and empowers both teams to reach a successful joint outcome in targeting strategic accounts.

ABM adoption model

Gilroy work with enterprises at all stages of the ABM adoption cycle:

'Start Up'
'Scale Up'
'Level Up'